Monthly Archives: June 2013

Therapy using Art

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The Drawing School 2008- 2013

The Drawing School




Gillian Hughes

What a journey it has been!
For me it all started in the Hive Bar in Erskineville. With trepidation, I arrived with sketch pad and pencil and awaited further instruction. How naive of me to have expected ‘instruction’ from Enrique and Aaron!
Having been introduced to ‘the boys’, I sensed that this was not going to be a mainstream drawing course, but at the same time i was curious to see where it would all lead.  Following our initial brief, we were sent out into the night to produce our drawing. It quickly became evident that there were going to be many challenges. Drawing in public, in the murky darkness of the night and with all the vibrancy that is the Inner West, it soon taught me to surrender to the external factors and just immerse myself into the construction of the drawing.

It was here that i could make some sense, or not, as was often the case, of the different marks that were made in producing the drawing. It was also here that i could listen to my fellow drawing companions dissect their own drawings. It was quite reassuring to find that the doubts, frustrations, anxieties and aesthetic vacillations in composing something as simple as a drawing, were not unique to me.

Throughout the course, I was extremely grateful for the critical eyes of both Enrique and Aaron. They really did encourage a unique kind of creative freedom, which i believe was reflected in all the works. I am sure my fellow drawing friends would agree, this course was more than just learning to draw. It was a whole wonderful, ‘life experience’ which for me, added momentum to my growing engagement with the artistic process.

In discussions with Enrique and Aaron along with some other key individuals, I decided to make the shift back to full time study. I was fortunate enough to be accepted into the National Art School to study for a Bachelor of Fine Arts which i commenced early this year. I had included several drawings from this course in my portfolio – some of which are on display here. Whilst not always ‘pretty’ images, they are very special to me in the way that they reflect the personal process of drawing and I invite you to view them with that in mind.

I wish to acknowledge the huge contribution that Enrique and Aaron have made in my pursuit of art. They are both incredibly generous individuals and I believe that my association with them will continue to influence me through to my art practice – and for that, i have enormous gratitude.



I feel that you provide a really unique opportunity for people to get acquainted with the many technical and emotionally creative aspects of drawing.


Drawing in the City at Night Annual Exhibition

& Classes in Action



Drawing In the City Flier

Drawing In the City Flier

Drawing In the City Flier

Drawing In the City Flier



Posted in Community Projects